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ASEAN Young Architects & Lighting Designers Forum


Heliconia Room, Level 3

Marina Bay Sands Singapore

Date and Time

24 November, 2021 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Registration Guideline:

If you are using a computer to access, then at the landing page, navigate by the keyboard arrow up/down buttons.  At the Form section, the cursor must be placed on the bank space (outside of the field cell) to maneuver properly.

If you are using a handphone to scan the QR Code for access, on-screen scrolling is much easier.

Event Details

The inaugural ASEAN Young Architects & Lighting Designers Forum 2021 brings together emerging young architects and lighting designers in Singapore, with a special online participation from young architects from ASEAN, who will share their views on resilience in the time of a global pandemic, and regionalisation even as transnational borders are shut. It brings together aspects of design, domesticity, community, sustainability and internationalisation in a day’s worth of seminars and panel discussions, and aims to instill a sense of optimism in a time of uncertainty. It defines the indomitable spirit of our times, uncertain as the future may be.