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The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is proud to present to you our flagship event “Unlocking the Power of Regtech”. Recognising the growing importance of Regtech, the HKMA has been engaging with the banking industry and technology community in Hong Kong to facilitate Regtech adoption since 2018. With a view to fostering a larger and more diverse Regtech ecosystem in Hong Kong, the HKMA developed a two-year roadmap to promote Regtech adoption. This flagship Regtech event is a key component of the roadmap. It brings together participants from the global Regtech community including financial institutions, Regtech providers, regulators and other industry experts to raise the awareness of Regtech and its associated benefits. The event comprises a series of panel discussions, experience sharing sessions, and demonstrations, designed to encourage discussion and networking.

Event Details

Date: 30 June 2021

Time: 13:30-18:00 (Hong Kong Time)

Format: Virtual

Language: English

Further details of the event can be found here.

Registration instructions

  1. Registrations are subject to confirmation. An email will be sent to successful registrants.
  2. A unique login link to the virtual event platform will be provided by email closer to the date of the event. The login link is unique to each participant and thus should not be shared with others.
  3. Please note that some information (such as name, position, company, country/region) that participants provide in the registration form would be visible and searchable by other participants on the virtual event platform, and chats among participants can also be initiated on the platform.

For enquiries, please email us at [email protected].